Go HEP release 0.21.0


Release v0.21.0 is fresh from the oven.

This release contains a major new groot feature: the ability to write (simple, flat) trees, including variable-length arrays (a.k.a slices):


  • groot supports more ROOT-4 files (as created by Geant4: TH{1,2}x and TTree)
  • fixed compilation on 32b systems
  • add groot/rtree.WriterVarsFromStruct to generate a slice of rtree.WriterVars from a user-provided struct that can be then used to fill a tree
  • add With{LZ4,LZMA,Zlib} and WithoutCompression functions to configure whether a tree should use compression (and what kind of compression, if any)
  • add WithBasketSize to configure the basket size of trees/branches
  • add auto-flushing of branches’ baskets


type Data struct {
    I32    int32
    F64    float64
    Str    string
    ArrF64 [5]float64
    N      int32
    SliF64 []float64 `groot:"SliF64[N]"` // tell ROOT/C++ the leaf name and the leaf holding the count

const (
    fname = "struct.root"
    nevts = 5

f, err := groot.Create(fname)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("%+v", err)
defer f.Close()

var evt Data

tree, err := rtree.NewWriter(f, "mytree", rtree.WriteVarsFromStruct(&evt))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("could not create tree writer: %+v", err)

fmt.Printf("-- created tree %q:\n", tree.Name())
for i, b := range tree.Branches() {
    fmt.Printf("branch[%d]: name=%q, title=%q\n", i, b.Name(), b.Title())

for i := 0; i < nevts; i++ {
    evt.I32 = int32(i)
    evt.F64 = float64(i)
    evt.Str = fmt.Sprintf("evt-%0d", i)
    evt.ArrF64 = [5]float64{float64(i), float64(i + 1), float64(i + 2), float64(i + 3), float64(i + 4)}
    evt.N = int32(i)
    evt.SliF64 = []float64{float64(i), float64(i + 1), float64(i + 2), float64(i + 3), float64(i + 4)}[:i]
    _, err = tree.Write()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("could not write event %d: %+v", i, err)
fmt.Printf("-- filled tree with %d entries\n", tree.Entries())

err = tree.Close()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("could not write tree: %+v", err)

err = f.Close()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("could not close tree: %+v", err)

// Output:
// -- created tree "mytree":
// branch[0]: name="I32", title="I32/I"
// branch[1]: name="F64", title="F64/D"
// branch[2]: name="Str", title="Str/C"
// branch[3]: name="ArrF64", title="ArrF64[5]/D"
// branch[4]: name="N", title="N/I"
// branch[5]: name="SliF64", title="SliF64[N]/D"
// -- filled tree with 5 entries
// -- read back ROOT file
// entry[0]: {I32:0 F64:0 Str:evt-0 ArrF64:[0 1 2 3 4] N:0 SliF64:[]}
// entry[1]: {I32:1 F64:1 Str:evt-1 ArrF64:[1 2 3 4 5] N:1 SliF64:[1]}
// entry[2]: {I32:2 F64:2 Str:evt-2 ArrF64:[2 3 4 5 6] N:2 SliF64:[2 3]}
// entry[3]: {I32:3 F64:3 Str:evt-3 ArrF64:[3 4 5 6 7] N:3 SliF64:[3 4 5]}
// entry[4]: {I32:4 F64:4 Str:evt-4 ArrF64:[4 5 6 7 8] N:4 SliF64:[4 5 6 7]}


  • hplot.Function has been copied from Gonum/plot with extra support for log-y axes (automatically discarding intervals where the returned value is invalid on log-y axes)


quad := hplot.NewFunction(func(x float64) float64 { return x * x })
quad.Color = color.RGBA{B: 255, A: 255}

fun := hplot.NewFunction(func(x float64) float64 {
    switch {
    case x < 6:
        return 20
    case 6 <= x && x < 7:
        return 0
    case 7 <= x && x < 7.5:
        return 30
    case 7.5 <= x && x < 9:
        return 0
    case 9 <= x:
        return 40
    return 50
fun.LogY = true
fun.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, A: 255}

p := hplot.New()
p.Title.Text = "Functions - Log-Y scale"
p.X.Label.Text = "X"
p.Y.Label.Text = "Y"

p.Y.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
p.Y.Tick.Marker = plot.LogTicks{}

p.Legend.Add("x^2", quad)
p.Legend.Add("fct", fun)
p.Legend.ThumbnailWidth = 0.5 * vg.Inch

p.X.Min = 5
p.X.Max = 10
p.Y.Min = 10
p.Y.Max = 100

err := p.Save(200, 200, "testdata/functions_logy.png")
if err != nil {



The whole GoHEP tree has been cleaned up to remove the use of github.com/pkg/errors and use instead x/xerrors. x/xerrors will be phased out (in favor of fmt from the stdlib) when Go-1.13 will be the oldest supported release.

This is to gain nice error reports as documented in the Go blog:


The GoHEP website has also gained a new /dist section, where binaries for Darwin, Freebsd, Linux and Windows are uploaded (for every new tagged release).

We’ll try to release v0.22.0 with the ability to write structs and nested trees.

Stay tuned! (and, as always, any kind of help (reviews, patches, nice emails, constructive criticism) deeply appreciated.)


  • a3bdc48 groot/rhist: add test for ROOT-4 H1D
  • 6c8c87a groot: add support for ROOT-4 histograms
  • c5fa1b7 groot/rtree: support G4-like tree
  • 508bea9 groot/rtree: TBranch-v6
  • 2afe0e7 groot/rtree: TBranchElement-v1
  • 96ca4b3 groot/rtree: TTree-v5
  • d1049cd groot/rtree: TBranch-v10
  • f3ad4a5 hplot: add support for log-y based functions
  • 0b630d8 ci: add x-compile release script
  • 0fa7206 ci: display C++ ROOT version
  • c79f47a groot/{riofs,rtree}: fix 32b build
  • b2bb9f0 ci: test 32b builds
  • 5f73852 groot/internal/rtests: add ROOTError wrap test
  • ac4885b ci: add binary ROOT installation scripts
  • 91c9502 groot/rtree: add WriterVarsFromStruct helper function
  • 7379a85 groot/rtree: make NewScanVars support Slices and Arrays
  • 9be2300 groot/rtree: test WithXXX API and ability to correctly read back trees from C++ ROOT
  • a1a9024 groot/internal/rtests: introduce RunCxxROOT to (more easily) run ROOT macros
  • ac1dc83 groot/{riofs,internal/rcompress,rtree}: introduce rcompress.Settings
  • f35da3b groot/{riofs,rtree}: add WithXYZ API to configure how trees should be created
  • 813c909 ci: add mk-release script to push versions to index.golang
  • d12963d fwk: apply golangci suggestions
  • 295baa5 fwk: simplify fowk.MsgStream interface
  • 86f5de3 all: use x/xerrors
  • f9cbd76 groot/rtree: improve diagnostic+doc for rtree.New(Tree)Scanner
  • c4a04e9 groot/rarrow: fix Arrow-struct creation data-offset
  • b8a39b7 groot/rtree: handle auto-flush
  • b545af5 groot/rtree: add support var-len arrays to trees